Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hero Soul: Dev Log 1

Hello! First off, I want to thank you for your interest in my little project! It's been about 2 months since I started developing my game, and to be honest I am kind of surprise at how far I've gotten. With that being said, I am happy to say that I will now start posting here weekly with my progress in game. To kick off my logs I guess I'll quickly go over what has been done, and what I am planning to do in the future.

There are a few big milestones I have achieved these last 2 months.

1. Created a workable dungeon generator that creates random levels
-Includes a minimap
-Includes generation of random special rooms.
-Includes generation of boss rooms

2. Currently 2 "Levels" exist in the game, one is a dungeon, one is a town.

3. Concepted the art of 2 of the playable characters, aiming for 4 total.
-Spritework for 1 of the characters is in progress

4. Code for the framework of combat is complete
-Light, heavy, and charge attacks have been implemented

5. Code for the framework for enemies and bosses is complete
-Basic enemy and Boss framework created

6. Code for Arcana, the spell engine + deck-building element of the game is partially complete
-Basic functionality of the spell casting works
-Basic UI for the system complete

7. Code for the shop UI in town is complete
-Basic Inn functionality is done
-Basic Alchemy functionality is done

8. Code and UI for the Inventory system is complete
-Includes player inventory, player equipment, player Arcana Deck, and player stats.

9. Code and UI for the dialogue system has been implemeted

10. Code and framework for the player state engine has been created

11. Creation of the world map

I think that just about covers all the major things that have been done for the game, there were many minor things but just for the sake of my sanity, I did not post it. Well, that about covers what I have done so far. Tune in next week for more game updates! I will try to post more videos and images of the game, cause admittedly it's pretty bare around this blog. Have a nice week :]

Friday, September 15, 2017

Hero Soul: I want to be a Hero!

Hello! My name is Ryan and I am making this blog to document and show off a game I am working on tentatively called Hero Soul: I want to be a Hero! Here's a crash course into what my game is.

So what is Hero Soul(the game)?
Hero Soul is part Action Adventure Game, part JRPG, part Rouge-Lite. If I had to describe it would be a mixture between Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy and the Binding of Issac. Pretty much a Frankenstein's Monster of games really.

Why combine these genres?
Heh, these genres do kinda seem mutually exclusive don't they. Games like Zelda and Final Fantasy champion story development while games like Issac champion randomness. But why can't they be together? Can it be done? I don't know, but I want to see of well I can walk the line between the two.

Where is the game in development now?
Really early. I have been working on it since early August this year (2017). So about a month and an half, the time I am writing this. During this time I am still frantically writing code to get the game to the point I want it to be as well as procuring art assets from talented artists. Currently there are no others officially working with me.

Hero Soul: I want to be a Hero!

Hello! My name is Ryan and I am making this blog to document and show off a game I am working on tentatively called  Hero Soul: I want to be...