Sunday, March 11, 2018

3/12/18 Development Update

Hello and welcome back to another development update.

For this week I chose to take a step back from working on the boss mentioned last week and focus on adding a long requested feature, companions. Companions are designed to function similar to the ones in the Secret of Mana series of games. Moving forward players will be able to pick and choose which companion they want accompanying them, each with their own unique skills.

This week I programmed the basic behaviors for the companions including following the player and acquiring and fighting enemies. Doing most of this was pretty easy, however, I noticed that the companion like the enemy AI constantly got stuck on terrain.

So in addition to getting the basic companion AI completed, I also began work on making some more advanced AI pathing algorithms. The way I did this can be sen below, using a derivative of nodal pathfinding, where the AI will go from valid node to valid node until it reaches the destination. The nodal system can be seen below, where the green lines are passable terrain and red impassible.

Writing the algorithm was a pretty fun experience, and more work still needs to be put into it. The plan for it is to not only make the companion AI smarter, but also the enemy AI.

That's it for this week! 

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