Sunday, January 14, 2018

1/14/18 Development Update

Hello and welcome to another development update for my game Hero Soul! This week has been another productive week as I can now (for the most part) check 3 more things off the to-do list.

To start, the actual "Hero Soul" mechanic has been for the most part finished. So what is the Hero Soul you might ask? The Hero Soul is a power that the main character will possess that allows them to draw from the experiences of heroes before them. What this means gameplay-wise is a talent tree system where players can select talents from 6 heroes (for now) and can be seen below.

Essentially, there are 6 different talent trees which the players can choose from. What is different about this is that the 6 different trees are not static. As you can see above the skills are broken into tiers which are available every 5 levels. For every tier, players can preview what each unique tree has available at that tier and then select which hero's tier they want. For instance, a player can pick the tier 1 talents of the berserker hero, but then select the vanguard talents for tier 2. This system was designed in a way to promote many different permutations, and as this system further develops I would further like to refine the trees to promote more synergies between the trees.

Outside of the hero soul talent selection, in game your selected talents will be shown in the inventory menu along with the description of what the talent does.

The next major system implemented is questing and quest tracking. Using the menu pictured below in the upper right, players will have access to the the quest log. It's heavily inspired off the classic WCIII quest log, which differentiates between the main quests (left) and side quests (right).

In addition to the quest system, I also implemented the bestiary system. Whenever a new monster is killed, the player will gain access to the bestiary entry, which will give information about the monster killed. This includes the items they drop, their health, and their weaknesses.

That's it for this week! Moving forward, I would like to flush out the "Hero Soul" system more, refining the hero talent trees and trying to make them unique.

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Hero Soul: I want to be a Hero!

Hello! My name is Ryan and I am making this blog to document and show off a game I am working on tentatively called  Hero Soul: I want to be...